Responses to Main Modifications | Local Plan

Responses received during consultation and our response

Council's response

Summary and Council responses to the Main Modifications Consultation

Responses to the Main Modifications

All the responses we received during the six week consultation from 9 June - 21 July 2021.

ADD - Deletion of Strategic Growth Option - response form (redacted)

ADD - Deletion of the SGO and associated link road - written response (redacted)

ADD - Settlement Gaps - written response (redacted)

ADD - MM10 & MM11 - response form (redacted) 

ADD - MM10 & MM11 - written response (redacted)

ADD - MM26 - response form (redacted)

ADD - MM26 - written response (redacted)

ADD - MM27 - response form (redacted)

ADD - MM73 - response form  (redacted)

ADD - MM73 - written response (redacted)

ADD - Appendices (redacted)

ADD - Appendices further comments (redacted)

Allbrook Parish Council (redacted)

Bishopstoke and Fair Oak Independent Group (redacted)

Bloor Homes - form (redacted)

Bloor Homes - Appendix Settlement Gap (redacted)

Bloor Homes – land north east of Hedge End Railway Station, Hughes Land (redacted)

Bloor Homes – Maddoxford Farm, Newell Land (redacted)

Bloor Homes – Maddoxford Lane (redacted)

Botley Neighbourhood Plan Committee (redacted)

Botley Parish Council (redacted)

Christine Lassam (redacted)

David Weedon (redacted)

Environment Agency (redacted)

European Property Ventures South Hampshire (redacted)

Genesis Town Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs Taylor - MM27 (redacted)

Genesis Town Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs Taylor - MM32 (redacted)

Genesis Town Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs Taylor - PM3 (redacted)

Genesis Town Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs Taylor - Appendix 1(redacted)

Genesis Town Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs Taylor - Appendix 2 (redacted)

Gillian Gregory (redacted)

Gillings Planning on behalf of Vivid Housing Ltd - form (redacted)

Gillings Planning on behalf of Vivid Housing Ltd - Appendix 1(redacted)

Gladman Developments (redacted)

Graham Hunter (redacted)

Hallam Land Management Ltd - form (redacted)

Hallam Land Management Ltd - letter with plan (redacted)

Hamble Parish Council (redacted)

Hampshire County Council (redacted)

Highways England (redacted)

Historic England (redacted)

Home Builders Federation (redacted)

Immi Davison (redacted)

John Allen (redacted)

Kenneth Jones (redacted)

Laura Davison (redacted)

Lee Allen (redacted)

Maggie Morgan (redacted)

Marine Developments Limited (MDL) (redacted)

Marine Developments Limited (MDL) - appendices (redacted)

Marine Management Organisation (redacted)

Marine Management Organisation - further comments (redacted)

Mercury Area Residents Association (redacted)

Mercury Berth Holders Association (redacted)

Mike Long (redacted)

Miller Homes (redacted)

National Grid (redacted)

Natural England (redacted)

Network Rail (redacted)

Pat Forbes (redacted)

Patrick Allen (redacted)

Paul Gregory (redacted)

Persimmon Homes South Coast - form (redacted)

Persimmon Homes South Coast - representation with appendices (redacted)

Phillip Riley (redacted)

Plainview Planning on behalf of Tim Masters (redacted)

South Downs National Park Authority (redacted)

Southampton City Council (redacted)

Tetra Tech Planning on behalf of Mr Nicie – Cloverfield Park Limited (redacted)

Thakeham Homes - form (redacted)

Thakeham Homes (redacted)

Upham Parish Council - form (redacted)

Upham Parish Council - Main Modifications (redacted)

Upham Parish Council - Appendix A (redacted)

Valerie Archibald (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Comments re Main Modifications to Local Plan (2018) - 14 July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Additional comments re Main Modifications to Local Plan - 20 July 2020 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - follow up 1 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - follow up 2 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Countryside hedgerows protection and management - 17 June 2019 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Secretary of State Housing update - 16 December 2020 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Secretary of State Modem Design Code - 30 January 2021 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Secretary of State press release - 1 February 2021 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Hedgerows and Trees on Boundary Banks East (AL1) and West (AL2) Allbrook Way (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Natural England & DEFRA biodiversity woodland map of Allbrook (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Natural England's Magic Maps guidance (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Visual Impact Assessment (redacted) - 10 January 2020

Valerie Richardson - Google Aerial photo of 10 & 10a Pitmore Road and Allbrook Hill Entrance (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Google Streetview of 10 & 10a Pitmore Road (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Google Streetview of side entrance into site AL1 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - G Tuck and V Richardson emails from 28 June to 5 July 2021 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - Pages 8-9 of Deacon Landscape appraisal - 26 October 2017 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Allbrook Parish Newsletter article - June 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Land west of Allbrook Hill - Register (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Land west of Allbrook Hill - Plan (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - HMLR Title Land west and east of Allbrook Way (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Council Land and Social Housing Assets Register - March 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - JNCC Biodiversity - The UK Steering Group Report Volume 2 Action Plans 1995 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - The Environment Act 1995 Part V (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - JNCC National Vegetation Classification Users Handbook 2006 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - UK BAP Priority Habitat Descriptions - Hedgerows - update 2011 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Biodiversity Priority Habitats - Allbrook - as at July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Woodland Improvement Area - Allbrook  - as at July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Priority Habitat Woodland - Allbook - as at July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Priority Habitat Inventory - Allbrook - as at July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - EBC Planning Application Checklist - Biodiversity Re DCLG Guidance 2007 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - EBC Validation Checklist amended - 25 June 2014 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - HCC Highways Planning ref 0-19-86980 - 13 August 2020 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Planning ref 0-19-86980 Ecological Impact Assessment Site AL2 - November 2019 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Planning ref 0-19-86980 superseded Indicative Site Layout (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Comments re Main Modifications to Local Plan (2018) - 14 July 2021 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - Additional comments re Main Modifications to Local Plan - 20 July 2020 (redacted) 

Valerie Richardson - follow up 1 (redacted)

Valerie Richardson - follow up 2 (redacted)

Fair Oak Parish Council (redacted)