Use our pre-application service
We welcome and encourage discussion before a developer or landowner submits a planning application through our pre-application service.
We are able to provide guidance through our pre-application advice service which enables our Housing and Development Specialists to provide comment on a scheme and set out the key issues to be considered and information required before making a planning application.
Benefits of pre-application advice
- Informal, without prejudice, views of a Planning Specialist.
- Identification of any areas in your proposal that may need to be amended or resolved prior to submission
- Clarity on the planning policies and adopted guidance that are relevant to your proposal and receive advice on how these are applied to an application
- Establishing the planning history of the proposal site and any planning constraints that will need to be considered
- Guidance on planning obligations to mitigate the impact of the development
- Receiving advice on any consultation you should conduct before submission
- Identification of information that is required to be submitted with the application
- Increase your overall chances of submitting a valid planning application
Please note the level of advice you will receive is based on the level of information you submit – the more information you can provide about the proposal, the more comprehensive the advice you receive will be.
What's required to start a pre-application query?
To submit a pre-application enquiry please attach the following. If you are not able to provide all of the information listed we will often still be able to validate the pre-application, although the level of advice you receive will be limited and based on the submitted information:
- A completed pre-application form with details of the proposal
- Location plan with the site outlined in red (scale1:1250)
- Block Plan of the site with the proposed development clearly show (scale 1:500)
- Existing site details including site photos and details of its current use
- Sketch drawings with indicative floor plans and elevations and an indication of the architectural approach and materials proposed
- Any supporting information, such as a design and access statement
- Arrange payment of the pre-application fee.
A fee is required to receive our pre-application service, unless your proposal is exempt from being charged. Please view the fee schedule to check your charges or determine if you are exempt.
It is vital you read the our Pre-Application Planning Advice: Guidance Notes before submitting your request for pre-application advice.
For any queries about the service please contact us
- Telephone: 023 8068 8000
- Email: