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40 results found
Air quality
and reducing your impact on air quality. If you’re sat in traffic, turn off your engine – it really does... Quality Action Plan 2020 – 2025 An Air Quality Action Plan details what the Council will do to reduce pollutant levels below the levels set out in the UK National Air Quality Standards. It builds
Air quality monitoring
The Council has a responsibility to review and assess air quality across the Borough. We have long history of monitoring and delivering initiatives to tackle air quality issues. View our latest Quality Annual Status Report Air Quality Management Areas We have a statutory duty under the Environment
We can support with a range of pollution issues in the Borough including air quality, water pollution (beach oils and spills), private water supplies, contaminated land and hazardous substances.
2019 responses
Air Quality Climate Change Coastal Erosion Environmental Performance & Planning
Natural and historic environment (ENV)
) ENV006b Southern Damselfly mitigation strategy (April 2018) ENV007 Ecology Air Quality (June 2018) ENV008a Air Quality Impact Assessment - main report and appendices 1 & 2 (October 2018) ENV008b Air... (Update doc 5)ENV013 Human Air Quality (Update doc 16) (June 2019)
Question 4
homes to be delivered whilst doing the most to minimise additional traffic congestion. An air quality assessment illustrates that the extra traffic will not cause air quality standards to be breached
Schools awards scheme promotes clean air
’s impressive new bike shelter. Schools that demonstrate their commitment to improving air quality... on experience of air quality science. School heads and pupils across the Borough will be learning more...A new award scheme for schools in Eastleigh Borough, that aims to reduce air pollution
EIR frequently requested information and useful links
1993 The Council has not established any areas. Air Quality advice Advice on air quality, water... on national air quality Drainage information All drainage associated with the public highway
2023 responses
Allotments Adult social care Air quality Barbequing in public parks Bed bugs Bin collection rates Biodiversity net gain Carbon emissions Carbon savings Celebrities turning on Christmas lights Complaints Compulsory purchase orders Coronation budget and spend Cost of school meals Council use
Strategic growth options
: Heritage Appendix 3a: Noise Assessment Appendix 3b: Air Quality Assessment Appendix 4: Service
Feasibility of strategic growth options
: Heritage Appendix 3a: Noise Assessment Appendix 3b: Air Quality Assessment Appendix 4: Service
Question 2
it. The Local Plan’s evidence includes a habitats assessment, and supporting studies on hydrology, air quality, the southern damselfly, and the replacement bridge across the Itchen navigation. The habitats
'Air quality' telephone scam
Eastleigh Borough Council is issuing a warning about an Air quality assessment scam that has been reported to us by some residents. We have been made aware that some householders in the Borough have received phone calls claiming that their property needs an air quality assessment by a company
Air quality plan gets national approval
Eastleigh Borough Council’s Air Quality Action Plan 2020-2025 that details actions aiming to improve air quality in the Borough for the next five years has been given national approval. The Action... and visitors. The Council also monitors air quality across the Borough and as part of this plan is expanding
Business breakfast covers air quality and healthy eating
breakfast, covering topics including air quality and healthy eating in the workplace. The Council’s Economic Development Team hosted the meeting at East Horton Golf Club which featured an Air Quality.... They shared the air quality action plan which highlighted the need to reduce vehicle emissions
Southampton Airport planning update
The Council has received additional information relating to the Southampton Airport planning application (F/19/86707.) This includes: Environmental Statement Technical Note (and associated appendices) related to noise Air Quality Appendices and Sensitivity test Ecology Appendices There is now
Highlights from Eastleigh Business breakfast
Here are some of the highlights from the morning... Air Quality Panel The panel discussed the Council's Air Quality Action Plan as well as how businesses can make small changes to help the environment. Find out more about Air Quality on our website.The panel featured Richard Billingham- Ageas
New campaign to reduce wood burning and improve our air
our air, thereby improving our health. Backed with a £60,100 Air Quality Grant from DEFRA
Eastleigh Business Breakfast
, Portfolio Holder for the Economy Eastleigh Borough Council’s Air Quality Action Plan presented by Isabel
Council submits Environmental Impact Assessment for Horton Heath
request are climate change, air quality, traffic and transport, ecology, flood risk, drainage and noise