Site Rules
Not all park home sites have site rules, but if they do, the rules form part of the express terms of pitch agreements. Site rules may restrict occupation of the park to certain age groups or stop the keeping of certain pets.
Site rules are only effective if they have been made following a specified procedure and must be deposited with the local authority within a specified time period.
Certain site rules are not allowed under government regulations due to being deemed as unfair. These include rules such as:
- preventing you from selling or gifting your home to anyone but the site owner
- requiring you to provide the site owner with the address & contact details of a proposed new occupier or other personal and financial information about them
- prohibiting you from making improvements to home or pitch
- requiring you to pay certain unauthorised deposits or charges
- requiring you to only use tradespeople appointed by the site owner.
A full list of unenforceable terms in England can be viewed in the Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (England) Regulations 2014.
If your site has deposited site rules with the Council these will be able to be viewed on our Register of Licenced Sites. Visit Check your Site to view the register.