Disabled facilities grants (DFG)
Having difficulties getting in and around your home?
If you or someone living in your property is disabled, you may qualify for a disabled facilities grant towards the cost of providing adaptations.
Eligibility is assessed by disability needs and financial means.
If you would like enquire about adaptations for someone under the age of 18, please contact the Children and Families Service at Hampshire County Council by calling 0300 555 1384.
Please do not start any adaptation works for which you are seeking grant funding until you have received written approval. Grants will not be awarded retrospectively for any adaptation works already completed or that have already commenced.
Will I have to pay a contribution?
If you are in receipt of any of the following income-related benefits, you may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant without needing to pay a contribution and just need to request an Occupational Therapy Assessment:
- Housing Benefit
- Income Support
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Income related ESA (not contribution based)
- Universal Credit
If you are not in receipt of the benefits above, please complete the financial enquiry form and email it to dfg@eastleigh.gov.uk for a preliminary financial eligibility check to be carried out before you request a Occupational Therapy Assessment.
You have been assessed to have the capacity to self-fund the works
How does the grant process work?
If you are eligible for a grant, our Occupational Therapist will arrange to visit you at home and will work with you to make recommendations for adaptations based on your assessed needs.
We will then work with you and any relevant contractors, surveyors and architects to ensure that the adaptations meet your needs and enable you to continue to be as independent as possible within your home.
Timescales for receipt of a valid completed application form to works being completed will vary according to the extent of the adaptations, workload, contractors availability and any budgetary constraints.
We aim to make decisions on applications within 25 weeks. After a decision is reached, we work hard to finish the necessary work for all types of adaptations. While exact timelines vary for each case, expect a minimum duration of 20 weeks for the completion of works.
Under the Council’s policy a grant application may be given a higher priority in the following circumstances when agreed
between the referring occupational therapist and service manager that the client:
- cannot be discharged from hospital or reablement facility without the adaptations being done
- is identified by the occupational therapist as a palliative need
- would be at risk of death or of extreme physical harm from current conditions in the dwelling if left without
adaptations for the typical period of time taken to provide and complete works via a disabled facilities grant
The contract for any adaptation works will be between you and the chosen contractor, not with the Council.
To request an assessment, please complete the form below and email it to dfg@eastleigh.gov.uk.
For further information you can email us: dfg@eastleigh.gov.uk.
If we are not the right agency to help you, we will always try to put you in touch with the most appropriate services.