Call for sites
We have started work on the review of the Eastleigh Local Plan 2016-2036. As part of the initial work, we invited you to propose land within the Borough that may be suitable for the following uses:
- housing and other residential uses such as specialist housing for older person and also including Gypsy and Travellers sites
- employment including industry and storage and distribution
- other uses such as retail, community uses, open spaces and
environmental mitigation land.
The closing date for submissions was Wednesday 6 September 2023.
The Council is currently undertaking an Issues and Options consultation and has published an interim Strategic Land Availability Assessment that reports the sites submitted as part of the Call for Sites. The consultation continues until 29th January 2025.
Although the Issues and Options consultation is now underway, the Council will continue to consider sites submitted in the next few months. These will then be assessed in more detail alongside the sites in the interim Strategic Land Availability Assessment. This will consider if they are suitable, available and achievable for development or for environmental improvements. The assessments will be published in an updated Strategic Land Availability Assessment and the results will inform site allocations in the Local Plan Review.
If you wish to submit a site, please complete a form with as much information as possible and submit with an OS based scaled map showing the boundary of the site, to:
- Email: [email protected]
- Post: Planning Policy, Eastleigh Borough Council, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, SO50 9YN
Please note that submissions cannot be treated as confidential and will be made publicly available.