Become a Countryside Volunteer
If you love wildlife, being outdoors and are the type of person who longs to be messy in the mud, then being an Eastleigh Countryside Volunteer could be for you.
There are so many benefits to becoming a Countryside Volunteer. It can be a lovely way to make new friends, learn new skills and above all - it's great fun!
Our habitat management work is carried out in the winter and includes: coppicing in our beautiful woodland nature reserve; scrub bashing on our meadows and wetlands; cutting and burning non-native invasive plants and much more.
In the summer we focus on infrastructure projects such as repairing benches, fence lines and gravel paths.
You must complete registration and notify us of your attendance prior to coming along to a Countryside Volunteer event
Countryside Volunteer tasks
PLACES FULL - Hiltingbury Lakes
- A practical task is organised by a Countryside Officer every *Thursday morning at Hiltingbury Lakes.
- The team will meet at the southern corner of Lake Road, SO53 1EZ.
- The task will run from 10am - 1pm.
- All tools, gloves and protective equipment will be provided. Please wear outdoor shoes - trainers are fine.
*On the second Thursday of the month volunteer days will move to our nearby Hocombe Mead Local Nature Reserve to work alongside the Friends of Hocombe Mead on their task days.
PLACES FULL - Itchen Valley Country Park and around Eastleigh Borough
- Tasks are advertised via email and are carried out on a number of sites in the Borough - usually on the third Sunday of each month (any changes will be notified in the newsletter or by email).
- 10am start, finish between 3pm and 4pm (depending on the job), with a break for tea, coffee and biscuits, and a lunch break around 12.30pm. You are welcome to come for all or part of a day. (The only exception being when tasks are at Itchen Valley Country Park when volunteers are welcome to meet at the Woodland Café between 09:30 and 10am for tea or coffee and a chat before work starts.)
PLACES FULL - Lakeside Country Park
- A practical task is organised by a Countryside Officer every Wednesday morning at Lakeside Country Park.
How to volunteer
In order to become a Countryside Volunteer, you are required to read the role description and guidelines carefully and then apply. There are currently no places to apply for at this time.
If you have an queries, please email the team: