Recent flash flooding in the Borough
The recent extreme rainfall which resulted in flash flooding in parts of our Borough has understandably been a cause for concern for some of our residents as it has for residents across the country as these extreme weather conditions become more frequent.
The Council continues to take action to ensure that Hampshire County Council and the Environment Agency have both the information and support they need to ensure that they can work together to help address the issues and take preventative measures in the future. The Council has organised a task group consisting of responsible agencies to ensure that we have a multi-agency response available across the Borough. This includes Hampshire County Council, the Environment Agency and Southern Water. These will be supported by both the Council and the Parish Councils.
Additionally, the Council has worked with the local Hampshire Highways engineer to ensure that the culverts are kept clear. The Council has also arranged for the roads to be swept and cleared following the flooding and for sandbags to be made available locally. Council officers will be visiting affected areas and where possible speaking with residents to gather as much information as possible to be able to assist Hampshire County Council’s flood and water management team so they have up-to-date and accurate information.
Cabinet Lead for Environment Cllr Rupert Kyrle said, “We know how distressing incidents like this can be for our residents and businesses and whilst much of the measures needed to help prevent or mitigate further flooding falls under the services outside of the Council’s control, the Council has an important community role in ensuring that agencies are working together and that actions happen. Residents should be assured that if they have an emergency flooding issue affecting their property, they can call our out of hours service and we will be able to arrange the response from the correct agencies and organisations.”
It can be difficult to know who contact in instances of flooding, Hampshire County Council have some useful information.
In summary, if it’s a flooding or a drainage issue residents or businesses should contact Hampshire County Council. If the flooding is from a water course i.e. a stream or river you should contact the environment agency or if it’s a burst or leaking water main then you should contact your water provider which would be Southern Water.
However, the Council’s out of hours services would be able to help any residents who are unsure or concerned and can help alert the correct agency.
See more information about flooding