Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036
Review will guide future development in the Borough
Work has started on the review of the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036. This review will guide future development in the Borough. It will be used to determine planning applications and will update the policies and sites in the recently adopted Local Plan.
As part of the first stage in the Local Plan Review, we have published the following:
- Call for sites - this is an opportunity for you to send us details of potential sites to be considered in the plan. We are looking for sites for different uses including new homes, employment uses and environmental mitigation land. Sites should be large enough for at least five homes, or a minimum of 0.25 hectares / 500 sqm for other uses.
- Draft Statement of Community Involvement – we are asking your views on this updated statement setting out how the Council will consult communities on planning matters including the Local Plan Review and planning applications.
- Local Development Scheme – we have agreed a timetable for the Local Plan Review and other planning documents. These are set out in the Local Development Scheme.
The consultation on the draft Statement of Community Involvement and the Call for Sites period will run until 6 September 2023.
Please visit www.eastleigh.gov.uk/localplanreview for more details of these documents and consultations and for the latest news and updates on the Local Plan Review.