Mayoral blog

Friday 12 July 2024

Play “Dirty Dusting” performed by Hamble Players - Memorial Hall, Hamble

Upon arrival we were warmly greeted by the Director and other members of the theatre company. Their excitement and pride in showcasing their hard work were evident setting the tone for the evening.

As the lights dimmed and the curtain rose we and the audience were treated to a hilarious and engaging performance. The comedy was brilliantly executed by a cast of only four. It was very hard to believe we were watching an amateur production.

After the performance we had the opportunity to meet and congratulate the four cast members and to hear more about the “Players” future productions, including the company’s famous pantomimes.

There was a true community spirit to what was a delightful evening.

Friday 12 July 2024

Southampton Youth Wind Band Summer Celebration Concert – Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church

The Church was transformed into a concert venue by the Southampton Youth Band and then a brilliant evening’s music was delivered. The band were at the end of the current year’s performance calendar and this was the final performance with the band for some members as they move onwards to universities and career opportunities.

There are fresh members coming along to replace them. We were treated to a flute solo from Angela Pugh, she performed Madrigal by Gaubert and it was brilliant. Angela is a huge talent, and still only 10 years old!

A wonderful evening.

Friday 11 July 2024

Norwood Primary & Pre-School Year 6 End of Term Production

This was an amazing performance, I kid you not, these kids can really sing and act. They performed Oliver, including all the big numbers. The costumes were mostly created by parents and the scenery was uncomplicated but very effective. If you ever get the chance to attend you really should. This performance was learned in just three weeks! They were, as far as I could tell, word perfect, and the singing was incredible, the younger years supported the year 11s by providing the choir, they too were fantastic. The volume and quality of the singing was remarkable.

The staff did an incredible job, can’t wait to see the next production.

Saturday 6 July

Revelry on the Rec – Leigh Road Recreation Ground

On Saturday the 6th July, Leigh Road recreation ground became a time capsule. We had music from the 1940s, couples jive dancing, and topped off with three singers in period costume performing songs from that era. The crowd were enthralled.

Along with the music there was a display of vintage military vehicles. The Eastleigh and Southampton Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs were in attendance and the Eastleigh Veterans Centre. These are charities that enable members of the armed forces and veterans to meet others and enjoy conversation and company, this is important to avoid loneliness and mental health issues.

We also met the Eastleigh Scouts at their stand, we were there just at the right moment as that was the moment we had a shower, so once again the Scouts were indeed prepared!

There were any number of food stalls, and dozens of small traders. The event transformed the town centre for the day to a festival atmosphere.

Huge success. Thank you to Dream Empire Events for organising it.

Friday 5 July 2024

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards – The Great Hall, Winchester

A fabulous evening in the company of some amazing young adults. Every one of the recipients was there to receive their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

There were 39 award winners being recognised for their outstanding efforts that were necessary to complete the challenge.

Each recipient was required to conquer new challenges in the following categories:

  • Volunteering
  • Mastering a new skill
  • Completing a physical challenge
  • Taking part in an expedition
  • Completing a residential stay

Prior to the presentation we had the chance to meet and chat to the recipients and their families whilst enjoying a finger buffet and wine. We listened to the some fascinating accounts of how they accomplished the challenge.

We were also treated to a talk by a previous Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award winner Will King, he explained his personal journey after being awarded his Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. He is now the Senior Trainer for the RNLI at the Poole.

Monday 1 July 2024

Royal British Legion Poppy Tea – Eastleigh Working Men’s Club

The Event was well attended, mostly by poppy appeal volunteers but also by members of 1216 Eastleigh Squadron Air Training Corps.

Branch Chairman, Steve Little began with a short speech highlighting the achievements during the 2023 campaign. The branch raised a staggering £50,000 for the poppy appeal. Truly an enormous amount of money.
Whilst there I had the pleasure of presenting a “Local Hero Award” to Steve Forward who has served as the Parade Marshall for the Eastleigh Remembrance Parade for many years, in addition to his service to the County. He continues to serve as Branch Vice-Chairman and whilst passing the baton to a new Parade Marshall has pledged to support them at the remembrance service for this year.

Then followed a wonderful evening of music provided by Murielle, a French singer that entertained us during two sets. The intermission saw the refreshments unveiled and everyone enjoyed a buffet of finger food and cakes.

The Branch is looking to boost membership and would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help, you don’t need to have a military background to join.

Mayor RBL Poppy Tea

Photo: Steve Forward, Mayor of Eastleigh and Steve Little

Sunday 30 June

Hampshire Scouts Annual Review & AGM - Fernycroft

Wow, what a day!

Ferny Croft is the adventure wonderland of the Hampshire Scouts. 31 acres of pure fun. If you are a scout and find that there is nothing here for you then you haven’t looked very hard. We were escorted around the site and found that there is shooting, archery, an intimidating zip line, several climbing walls, abseiling, crazy golf, low-rope obstacle course among the 40 plus activities.

During our tour we visited the onsite Scout Museum, what a trip down memory lane, so many of the things I did or had in scouting are now of historical interest.

The day saw the new Low Rope obstacle course opened by the High Sheriff of Hampshire, Jon Whitaker JP DL. He then asked if any Mayors might like to test their balance and try to negotiate the numerous challenges, I of course accepted and was able to complete the course without falling once.

After a delicious midday BBQ we moved to the AGM. Here we were impressed by the report from the participants of the international Jamboree and Project 23, a European event, both hugely successful.

We also heard about the progress of the latest scout sections, Squirrels. This is a division for 4 – 6 year olds. Hampshire is leading the UK in setting them up and is close to establishing the 100th Drey.

The setting up of a Drey requires the recruitment of adult leaders, the Squirrels are readily available! The leaders function as a group rather than a single person being in sole charge. Get involved, full training is given followed by plenty of support.

Hampshire Scouts Mayor 2024

Saturday 29 June 2024

Dawson Lodge Residential Home, Garden Party

Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress

Blessed with one of the very few sunny days this summer it was the ideal time to be attending a garden party.  The residents were celebrating the refurbishment of their garden – with fresh plants and a general wash and brush up of the outside fittings. The work having been carried out by the daughter, of one of the residents, and her work colleagues from National Air Traffic Service. The garden looked superb.

A short speech of thanks was given by the Manager, Kirsten Stewart, and a resident formally declared the garden open with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Tea, cake and cocktails were provided whilst we were able to mingle and chat with the residents and their various guests.  A lovely way to spend a perfect summer afternoon.

Saturday 29 June 2024

Chandler’s Ford Care Home Open Week

The Mayoress and I were met by Siobhan Bowker and Kanchi Sharma and introduced to one of the happiest group of carers I have ever met. There is a real atmosphere of fun in the home.

We had the pleasure of tea and cake whist enjoying the company of some of the residents and staff.

The residents were in fine form and regaled stories from their past and were great company. The residents have decided to take over a small area to cultivate and plant flowers. This is to provide themselves with a project and some fun exercise.

Mayor Care Home Visit 2024

Care Home Visit 2024

Friday 28 June 2024

Shakespeare School Summer Fayre – Shakespeare Junior School

The Mayoress and I were delighted to be asked to open the School Summer Fayre. The event started with some amazing baton twirling by Endeavour Twirl Team (find them on facebook). They perform dancing routines whist twilling a batten. There were several routines one routine was performed by 5 year olds but using pompoms. They performed without any direction and were amazing. If you think it sounds easy you really need to give it a try!

There were a lot of stalls to entice youngsters to have a go. I had the pleasure of being escorted around the Fayre by Nikki Wilson, Shakespeare Infant School Head Teacher. The schools work closely together and as we went around the field dozens of kids came running up to greet us, Nikki knew every single one of them by name.
Great fun.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Theatre Royal Winchester: The Wind in the Willows

Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress

We were very lucky indeed to be invited by Blue Apple Theatre to attend their production of Wind in the Willows at the Theatre Royal, Winchester. Blue Apple Theatre supports learning disabled people to develop and showcase their performing arts skills and enables them to shine on stage and in life.

On our arrival we were greeted by and had the opportunity to chat with the current Chair of Blue Apple, Ed Rochead and Dr Alison Frater, the Chair Designate.

Blue Apple’s version of the much loved Wind in the Willows combined tradition with a fresh perspective whilst paying due respect to Kenneth Grahame’s creations’. A visual treat, songs, laughs and colourful characters; buffoonery, heroes, villains , jokes that wouldn’t be out of place in a pantomime and an ending where all get their just rewards.  The performance also included a guest cameo voice role by Chris Packham.  The cast were absolutely amazing.

An evening to be remembered.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Wetwheels Hamble – Family Fun Day

Wetwheels is a charity that gives all disabled people, including those with profound and complex disabilities, the opportunity to access the sea in a safe, stimulating and rewarding way, on board specially-built, fully-accessible boats. Whilst some will have obvious disabilities that need to be catered for they also include those with Alzheimer's disease.

They organised a car show with a mixture of classic and modern super cars. There were even two Model T Fords on show, and when we were offered a ride in one of them, we were quick to say yes. I have to say it was a surprisingly comfy ride, even on the cobble stone of the High Street. We were also coaxed onto a powerful speed boat and taken out into the Southampton waters were the engine was tested to the fullest! We were well cared for and didn’t get wet although there was quite a bit of spray.

The car show was organised by the Locks Heath Classic Car Club and the event was attended by hundreds of people. There were prizes for the top three cars, a beautiful Alvis won first prize, and there was a special prize for a Morris Minor Convertible that is used as a daily driver.

The event raise in excess of £3,000 for Wetwheels, this will enable them to provide more experiences for people with disabilities.

I do hope they invite us back next year.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Merfest at Merdon Junior School, Chandler’s Ford

Midday saw the mayoress and I open the Merfest event. This is the Merdon School Summer Fete. There were some interesting activities on offer. The 1st Chandlers Ford Scouts had an archery challenge, and there was an axe throwing competition (no sharp edges). The highest scores on the day won a prize. All run in a perfectly safe way. There were more traditional attractions, facepainting, having hair extensions fitted, raffles, Tombola, and a huge bouncy castle obstacle course. Then there was the reptile rescue tent. Here there were a surprising number of inquisitive snakes. One had a need to check out the Mayors robe, paying particular attention to the fur areas. But the snake was well behaved and seemed quite happy to slide around my arms and back to the keeper. We also met and enjoyed a talk with the team running the Marie Curie Plinko game to raise money for the charity. We were entertained by the Merdon school choir who sang a variety of popular songs. A wonderful time was had by all.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Friends of In Touch AGM & 20th Anniversary Fun Day at Y Zone Youth Centre, Fair Oak

We were greeted by Chris Parsons, Chairperson of In Touch and very much the motivator that spurs the team onwards.
In Touch is a project that supports emotionally and socially vulnerable children and young people with autistic spectrum conditions. There are three groups: Junior, Senior and Young Adult. I had the pleasure of meeting several of the current members, all very charming, as well as some past members. It is clear that the support makes life less of challenge for them.
There is a team of dedicated Trustees along with volunteers and committed staff. Funding is a challenge and the group would always be glad of any help.

Friends In Touch Mayor Event 2024

Sunday 9 June 2024

Basingstoke Civic Service

We had the pleasure of representing Eastleigh at the Civic Service for Basingstoke and Deane to mark the installation of Councillor Dan Putty as Mayor. The service was personalised in that representatives of the community and of different faiths were invited to approach the Bishop and they pledged to support the new Mayor.

Following the service we were treated to tea and cakes and were able to meet Mayors from other boroughs along with fundraisers and civic leaders from Basingstoke.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Unwrapped Festival – Leigh Road Recreation Ground in Eastleigh attended by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Janice Asman

An amazing event, provided free and something for everyone. Live performances alongside have-a-go creative activities, craft and gift markets together with refreshments.
After a warm welcome from Charlotte there was a Bubbles entertainment. Bubbles both large and small provided both by the professionals and members of the audience (again both big and small!)
The very youngest especially, enjoyed
Boxville Cardboard Adventures’ performance and then loved creating their own works out of cardboard boxes.
A lovely day out for everyone and many thanks for being invited. I will be certain to look out for up-coming events.

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day 80th Anniversary Commemorations in Hamble

The day started with a coffee morning with a difference. The room included a display of model military aircraft and boats that were all in use during operation Neptune and Overlord. The models were provided by members of :-

Itchen Valley Flying Group
Romsey Electric Fryers
Hampshire Model Flying Association
Eastleigh and District Model Boat Club

The modelers were able to provide historic context about the models and how they were used on the day of the invasion. Among the models was a scale model of HMS Loch Fada along with artifacts from the actual ship, this ship took part as anti-submarine patrols in the Bay of Biscay throughout the period of the landings.

Local schools attended and students were able to question the modelers about the history and were amazed to find that they were all fully function radio controlled models.

We were introduced to Fiona and Helen during the morning, suitably dressed in replica uniform and selling raffle tickets. With their guidance we were delighted to join those present, and enjoy coffee and cakes.

The evening commenced with a dinner where I was delighted to make the acquaintance of Gordon Craigen, Commadore of the Royal Southern Yacht Club along with his wife and the Vice-Commadore, Matthew Richardson. Following an evening festive board, along with the Lord Lieutenant’s representative, we inspected the 14th Eastleigh Scout & Guide Band ‘The Spitfires’ as they marched past leading veterans, scouts, Army and Navy cadets who marched the full length of the Ropewalk to the Royal Southern Yacht Club.

There followed a service of remembrance lead by The Bishop of Southampton. The service included a moving reading of a contemporary report, delivered by Marion O’Malley, followed by a reading from the bible superbly delivered by Sarah Valleley, the Deputy Head of The Hamble School. Following the singing of the national anthem, the crowd were treated to Demian Smith playing bagpipes. He played the tunes played by William Milllin on Sword Beach on D Day 1944 as troops stormed the beach, whilst I, as Mayor, had the honour of lighting the beacon located on the jetty. The service concluded with a reading by Deputy Lieutenant Jon Whitaker, followed by blessing by the Bishop.

During the day, I had the privilege of meeting a member whose son was a sadly killed in action in Afghanistan whilst serving in the British armed forces. This was a very contemporary reminder of the price of hostilities. Even if the pain of sorrow subsides, the heartache of loss will continue to weigh heavy on bereaved parents.

The service was followed by a community singalong organised by the Hamble Singers lead by Debbie who lead us through a series of wartime songs which was an excellent way to bring the event to an end.

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day 80th Anniversary Beacon Lighting in West End attended by The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Janice Asman

We received a very warm welcome from the people gathered for this occasion and a much appreciated warm drink was supplied prior to the commencement of the proceedings.

The day had been blustery with intermittent showers, but we were blessed with a fine and dry evening and the wind had died down.

Councillor Rick MacDonald introduced the proceedings for the evening and gave a brief outline of the events of D-Day. I read a short poem outlining what it must have been like in a small boat in the stormy seas.

The Beacon was lit by a pupil of St James Primary School alongside a number of 10th Itchen North Scouts and probably hampered by me.

The Beacon having been lit, two members of 10th Itchen North Scouts read out The International Tribute. Background music of the era was played until the Beacon died out.

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day Exhibition – Fryern Pavilion, Chandler’s Ford

Were delighted to visit Fryern Pavilion and be greeted by Hilary Blaker, Clerk to Chandlers Ford Parish Council. The visit included an explanation of the part Chandlers Ford played in the preparation for operation overlord.

It was explained that there were thousands of troops camping in and around Chandlers Ford with a significant number the woods around the area. Ramalley, Cranbury Park, Hocombe Mead were among the places locally with more research needed to confirm other camps. First-hand information had been documented form residents who had that dug up evidence of occupation has helped provide a compelling hidden chapter of Chandlers Ford’s history and how the area was used to conceal the troops presence.

The research has been done by Stuart Allen and Rachael Mitchinson, The display will be moved to the Chandlers Ford Library after the weekend and is recommended to all who wish to understand the importance of Chandlers Ford in the D Day build up.

We were then escorted by the Clerk to the Jubilee gardens, the garden is a superb example of planting for nature, the beds are full of flowers selected for their benefit to bees and butterflies whilst providing a beautiful display for visitors to enjoy.

Saturday 1 June 2024

The Little Mermaid Junior by Blue Butterfly Dance – at The Rose Theatre

This was a very enjoyable evening being entertained by some very talented youngsters. They danced, sang and acted brilliantly. The quality of the performance had the audience in stitches at times, brilliant timing of some of the lines, and expressions should have taken hours to perfect. But they group only started learning the parts in January!

If you had a chance to see the performance you will know what I mean. My congratulations to everyone involved. The standard was incredible.

Can’t wait to see what they do next.

Mayor With Little Mermaid CastLittle Mermaid Mayors Blog

Sunday 26 May

Civic Service

The service of dedication was beautifully lead by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Hayley Richens at St Boniface Church, Chandlers Ford. The service was friendly and well attended, although the congregation were mainly women, there was a football match scheduled somewhere else that day. But those that were there welcomed the Mayoral party and filled the church with song and prayer.

After the service we had the pleasure of a reception with cake and bubbles and a chance to meet everyone present.

The Mayor hopes to be present at the service of appointment of the new vicar, and at All Souls service.

Civic Service 2 Credit Debbie Pearce PhotographyCivic Service 3 Credit Debbie Pearce Photography
(Photos courtesy of Debbie Pearce Photography)

Thursday 23 May 2024

Shakespeare Infant School Visit

2.00 pm saw us attend our first function as Mayor and Mayoress of Eastleigh. We were greeted by the Head Teacher, Nikki Wilson and the Inclusion Manager, Clare Mills. We were soon introduced to a student, Gregory, he had written to a previous Mayor after he heard someone say that Eastleigh was Boring, He proceeded to explain why wasn’t and recommended we try the popcorn available at the cinema.

Gregory soon became out host and after we appointed him Deputy Mayor for the visit, he guided the Mayoress and I around the school grounds were we saw a variety of activity areas. The first was a Fairy Garden that included a quite reading shelter, this was a shelter furnished with soft cushions and drapes. We then went to a wooded area where children were sitting singing and signing nursery rhymes, truly enchanting. Eventually we arrived at pond dipping, the children were able to name the animals the Mayoress had fished out with a net.

An amazing school, during the visit were met some of the governors and representatives from Alpha Laboratories who support the school by providing finance for facility improvement.

We also met the head of the Junior School, Steve Cox. Nikki explained that he two schools work closely together to ensure a seamless transition from school to school.

Monday 20 May 2024

Mayor Making & AGM at The Point Eastleigh

On 20th May 2024 I was honoured by Councillors of the Borough of Eastleigh with being elected to the office of Mayor of Eastleigh. The evening started with well-earned thanks to the retiring Mayor, Nick Couldrey, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him and the retiring Mayoress, his wife Anne. They had attended a huge number of engagements and represented the Borough to the fullest.

My wife of 40 plus years was then invested as Mayoress by the outgoing Mayoress.

My Deputy Mayor was elected as Janice Asman, an excellent selection, and I had the wonderful task of investing her with her badge of office. Janice has selected Sarah Turl as her Deputy Mayoress and she was invested to office by the new Mayoress.
Having been invested as Mayor I then appointed Reverend Hayley Richens as my Chaplin for the forthcoming year. Hayley was unavoidable absent so was appointed in her absence.

I then had the pleasure of presenting a prize for the 50th anniversary logo to Stephanie Rose. The logo was a well-considered design that included landmarks from across the borough in a design that is simple to accommodate onto a document.
Special mention was made to Chandler’s Ford u3a who had created a post box Topper to commemorate 50 years of Eastleigh Borough, truly a spectacular work of art.

I was then delighted to present a “Local Hero” award to Karlie Smith who founded and runs Perfectly Imperfect. Her mission is to help people experiencing mental or emotional stress and teaches self-help by introducing them to a new circle of friends.
The highlight of the evening was to confer the title of Honorary Alderman to Roger Woods. Roger is a former Mayor and long term Councillor. The award is a legacy oversight of the forming of the new council. At that time Roger was omitted from the recipients that have completed 12 years or more service on the Borough or County and, at the age of 98, he was the centre of attention as EBC corrected that omission. Roger replied to the Council thanking them for his award.

Following the ceremony, the Mayoral party, plus the two award recipients, processed out and were delighted to greet all the guests that had attended the ceremony. There were refreshments available in the foyer of the The Point and during the reception The Mayoress and I had the opportunity to view some of the Toppers created by U3a Chandlers Ford. The latest were those created for the 80th anniversary commemoration of D Day.

CX & Mayor                  (Chief Executive witnesses the Mayor signing the acceptance of Office)

Mayoralty 2425     (Deputy Mayoress - Sarah Turl, Deputy Mayor - Councillor Janice Asman, Mayor – Councillor David Pragnell, Mayoress – Jean Pragnell)

Steph Rose 2
(50 Years Logo Winner Stephanie Rose)

Karlie Smith     
(Karlie Smith)

Roger Wood     
(Roger Wood)

U3A 1U3A 2Postbox TopperMayor & Topper
(Chandler’s Ford u3a​)

Deputy Mayor's Blog