Licensing act 2003 public registers

Public registers under the Licensing Act 2003 contain information about premises licences, club premises certificates and personal licences issued by the Borough Council as licensing authority together with temporary event notices and notices of review given to the council.

Details of service:

The Council, as Licensing Authority, is required to publish public registers relating to applications for and licences and certificates issued under the Licensing Act 2003. Section 8 and schedule 3 of the Licensing Act 2003, together with the Licensing Act 2003 (Licensing Authority's Register) (Other Information) Regulations 2005 set out the detailed requirements.

The registers are cumulative and are available via the Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership's Public Access pages 

Notices of Application - Public Register

The Licensing Authority is required to publish public registers relating to applications for licences and certificates issued under the Licensing Act 2003. The registers are cumulative and are available via the Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership's Public Access pages.

Extracts from the register, including a list of current applications, appear below and are periodically updated. If what you require does not appear here or in Public Access, please contact the Licensing Team to ascertain whether the information you require is available.

The licensing authority is required by the legislation to advertise applications on its website for:

  • new premises licences
  • variations of premises licences (but not minor variations, applications to vary the designated premises supervisors or insert the alternative condition)
  • provisional statements
  • new club premises certificates
  • variations of club premises certificates (but not minor variations)

The notice must remain on the web site for a period of 28 days from the day following the day on which the licensing authority received the application. The applicant must also give notice of the application outside the premises for 28 days and once in a local newspaper.

Applications for minor variation of licences are only required to be advertised by the applicant outside the premises for 10 working days - these will appear in Public Access

Current Applications

Please see the below for details of current applications for new licences or certificates, provisional statements or substantive variations of licences or certificates - further details, including copies of applications, are available in Public Access.
Please note that you must register and log in to Public Access to make a comment online.
  • no current applications

If you wish to make a representation about this application, please see our Representations page before doing so, in order to ensure that your representation is valid.

For further details, please go to Public Access

If what you require does not appear here or in Public Access, please contact the Licensing Team to ascertain whether the information you require is available.

Reviews - Public Register

Any of the responsible authorities or other persons may apply for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate on grounds that are relevant to one or more of the statutory licensing objectives or may make representations about a review during the notice period. Further information about this process is available from the reviews page.

For a copy of the public notice and the application for review (as a PDF), please follow the individual links.

The following applications for review are pending     

  •   no current reviews                


Representations to other applications for or reviews of premises licences or club premises certificates may be made by any of the responsible authorities - Police, Fire, Environmental Health, Planning, Trading Standards, Child Protection, Public Health, the Health and Safety Executive or the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (for vessels) - or any other person

Further information is available from the Licensing Act 2003 representations page.

Only the Police may comment on personal licence applications, transfers of licences or variations of designated premises supervisors. Only the Police and Environmental Health may comment on temporary event notices.

Further Information

Please note that these functions are administered by Southampton City Council's licensing team on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council.


It is possible for any of the responsible authorities or other persons to give notice for a review of a premises licence of club premises certificate on the grounds that are relevant to one or more of the statutory licensing objectives. Information about this process is available via the reviews page.

Public Register 

Extracts from the register appear below:

If what you require does not appear here or in Public Access, please contact the Licensing Team to ascertain whether the information you require is available.

If what you require does not appear here or in Public Access below, please contact the Licensing Team to ascertain whether the information you require is available.

Contacting the Licensing Team
Please note that these functions are administered by Southampton City Council's licensing team on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council. 

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 023 8083 3002 (option 4, then option 1) 

Licensing Team 
Southampton and Eastleigh Licensing Partnership 
Civic Centre 
SO14 7LY

Document Exchange: DX 115710 Southampton 17

Opening hours:
Members of the Licensing Team are normally available on weekdays at the Civic Centre, Southampton, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm to assist personal callers.