Southampton Airport Planning Application

Details of Southampton Airport's Planning Application

Update: March 2023

Discharge of Conditions applications

DC/23/94646 - Discharge of conditions 3 (CEMP), 4 (dust management strategy), 6 (gas/sewerage infrastructure protection), 8 (car park phasing), 9 (electrical power), 11 (preliminary investigation), 12 (remediation scheme) and 18 (archaeological investigation) 

DC/23/94700 - Discharge of condition 16 (surface water drainage scheme) 

Decision notice

The application was determined 3 June 2021. The decision notice sets out several conditions which must be either; discharged or complied with.

S106 agreement

The application was also permitted subject to a S106 Agreement. This relates to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which allows a Local Planning Authority to enter into a legally-binding agreement or planning obligation with a landowner as part of the granting of planning permission.

Southampton Airport Planning Obligations

Update: 2 August 2022

Judicial review outcome

The Council has received confirmation that the Judicial Review on the Southampton Airport runway has been refused permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal and there can be no more challenges to the planning permission that was granted by Eastleigh Borough Council in April 2021.

The Court of Appeal refused, on all grounds, the application made by GOESA for permission to appeal the decision and concluded that none of the grounds of appeal had a real prospect of success and there was no other compelling reason for the appeal to be heard.

Update: 3 June 2021

Southampton Airport – planning permission issued

Following Full Council’s resolution to grant planning permission on 10 April for the runway extension at Southampton International Airport,  Council staff have been  working with the applicant on the drafting of a detailed S106 Legal Agreement to ensure the detailed package of mitigation and long term management of the airport as set out in the within the committee report, are secured. This includes a cap of 3 million passenger per year, enhanced controls on noise and vehicles and the establishment of a Community Health Fund. This work has now been completed and the Council has now issued the Decision Notice to grant planning permission for the runway extension.

The Planning Casework Unit (PCU) at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) had advised that they have received several requests for the Secretary of State to consider call-in of this planning application.  In April, officers within the PCU asked the Council to delay the issuing of the Decision Notice to provide the Secretary of State time to assess the case and decide whether or not to call in the application for a public inquiry.  The Council agreed to, and abided by, this informal request and advised PCU Officers mid-May that the Council intend to issue the decision by the end of May.

The Council had not received a request from the Secretary of State to not issue the decision and had not received further correspondence from officers within the PCU by the end of May and has now issued the decision notice to grant planning permission for the runway extension.

Update: 16 April 2021

Following Full Council’s resolution to grant planning permission on 10 April for the runway extension at Southampton International Airport, over the next month officers will be working with the applicant on the drafting of a detailed S106 Legal Agreement to secure strategies and mitigation as set out in the within the committee report. The planning permission will not be issued until the S106 Legal Agreement is completed.

The Planning Casework Unit (PCU) at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have advised that they have received several requests for the Secretary of State to consider call-in of this planning application. Officers within the PCU have asked the Council whether we would voluntary agree to not issue the Decision Notice until the Secretary of State has assessed the case and decided whether or not to call in the application for a public inquiry.

The completion of the S106 Legal Agreement will not be completed until the middle of May and as such the Council have agreed to this informal request.

New date for Southampton Airport Planning application - Thursday 8 April 2021

Full Council will be determining Southampton Airport planning application on Thursday 8 April  March. The meeting will start at 2pm and will be held online as a Microsoft Teams Live Event with scheduled breaks built into the agenda.

The agenda and report can be found here 

The deadline for registering and submitting statements was 11.59pm on Monday 5 April.

See further details of the options available to have your say at the meeting. 

Description of the proposal - what is being applied for? 

Construction of a 164-metre runway extension at the northern end of the existing runway, associated blast screen to the north of the proposed runway extension, removal of existing bund and the reconfiguration and extension of existing long stay car parking to the east and west of Mitchell Way to provide additional long stay spaces. (This application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment).

The application has been submitted by Mr S Thurston on behalf of Southampton International Airport Ltd.

How to view the documents 

The plans and the technical reports, which include an Environmental Statement, can be viewed on the Planning Portal.

Due to Government advice on the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic the Council Offices at Eastleigh House are closed to the public. It is not possible to view or purchase paper copies of the information above in person.

During the consultation stage copies of the Environmental Statement Addendum and associated appendices could be obtained by emailing and quoting Southampton Airport, in writing to Savills, 2 Charlotte Place, Southampton SO14 0TB or telephoning 02380 713900 and asking for the Planning Team. A charge of £75 applies for printed copies of the appendices.

How has the Council publicised the planning application?

In accordance with legislation and best practice, the application has been publicised by letter to immediately neighbouring properties and by the display of site notices and a press notice to inform the wider community. Formal consultations on the proposed development have been sent to adjoining parish councils and neighbouring local authorities.

What is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental, social and economic impacts of a proposed project or development prior to decision-making. It aims to predict environmental impacts at an early stage in project planning and design, find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts, shape projects to suit the local environment and present the predictions and options to decision-makers. An Environmental Statement (ES) is a document that reports the EIA process and its outcomes.

How to find out who has been consulted?

A full list of those notified and consulted on this proposed development can be found on the application via the 'Consultees and Comments' tab. 

When and how will the application be determined?

The application will be thoroughly reviewed and the comments sought from a wide range of the interested parties, including residents, adjoining local authorities and parish councils, and statutory and non-statutory consultees. 

What is the decision making process? 

Council planning officers make a recommendation on the proposed development, and a full report will be presented to the local area committee - in this case, Eastleigh Local Area Committee. Residents and interested parties will be invited to attend and participate in the committee meeting. 

The following section explains the decision making process for when developments have a borough-wide significance and where the Local Area Committee wishes to take a decision contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Housing and Development (as outlined within the Constitution: Part 4, Appendix A paragraph (f) (ii) - page 4-25).

  • After questions, debate is commenced by moving and seconding the recommendation. In the case of the Airport's application this is to permit 
  • The Chair closes the debate and the Committee votes on the recommendation before them 
  • Should the majority of Councillors vote in favour of the recommendation (in the case of the Airport's application the recommendation is to permit) then permission is granted in accordance with the recommendation
  • If the vote is evenly split (for & against) the Chair has the right to cast the deciding vote
  • Should the majority of Councillors vote against the recommendation, or the Chair exercises the casting vote against, the recommendation is not passed. In this case, as per the Constitution, the matter is referred to the Council.  Residents and interested parties would be invited to attend and participate at that meeting too. 
  • Following the Eastleigh Local Area Committee meeting, a meeting of full Council has been arranged in this instance for 8 April. 

For more information