Question 14

How can we control development in the Borough?

The Council’s emerging local plan identifies a number of preferred development sites across the Borough where the Council would look favourably on housing being developed on the site. However, there are some cases where developers apply to put housing on land that is outside of the Council's preferred development site options. On a number of occasions the Council, through the planning process, has opposed these developments.  This has been because the developments are on land that is contrary to the Council’s planning policy and is viewed as inappropriate for development, for instance, on sites that would destroy a green local gap between settlements.  

In a number of recent cases, where inappropriate developments have been opposed by the Council, this decision has been upheld by the Planning Inspector such as Bubb Lane in Hedge End, Grange Road in Netley and on Hamble Lane. The planning inspectors decision has largely been due to the Council’s ability to demonstrate the supply of housing for the next five years, but also in recognition of the emerging Local Plan