Locally listed heritage assets
The Borough’s identified heritage assets
Locally listed heritage assets
The Borough’s identified heritage assets
What are locally listed heritage assets?
There are many buildings across England that make a positive contribution to the local character and sense of place because of their heritage value. These heritage assets may not be nationally designated as listed buildings or within a Conservation Area, but they are considered to have special local architectural and/or historic importance that warrants protection. Such a building may therefore be designated as a Locally Listed Heritage Asset by a Local Planning Authority.
These buildings do not have the same level of protection afforded to buildings on the statutory list or unlisted buildings in a conservation area, but the fact that a building or site is on a local list means that its conservation as a heritage asset is a material consideration when determining the outcome of a planning application.
- more information regarding locally listed heritage assets
Locally listed buildings in Eastleigh
The list of locally listed heritage assets was updated, in part, in 2024
The policies in the adopted Local Plan 2016-2036 set out the criteria by which planning applications that may affect a locally listed heritage asset will be considered.
Information regarding the Borough’s identified heritage assets can also be found in the Local Plan Heritage Background Paper.
Adding buildings to the local list
If you think a particular building or structure within the Borough should be added to the local list, please email [email protected] and provide the following information, if possible:
- Location details: Ordnance Survey (OS) grid references and street address;
- Ownership information: contact details for the site owner;
- Local significance: why you think this building or structure should be included on the list;
- Photographs: visual record of the asset from the public realm, concentrating on significant elements.
Any assets that have been nominated for inclusion will be assessed as part of the local list review.