The Willows - your chance to choose a new play area
Following on from the completion of the landscaping works at “The Willows", we have been assessing designs for the new play area.
The play area is being funded by the developer and is part of the community benefits outlined in the planning requirements as agreed by Eastleigh Borough Council. We will install the favoured design before the summer holidays, it is anticipated that the play area will be used by children up to 12 years of age.
Before we go ahead with the installation, we would welcome your comments and observations on the proposed design. Copies of the proposed designs are also be available to view at Eastleigh Borough Council Offices on Upper Market Street.
We shall also be holding a consultation for residents in the open space area at “The Willows” on Saturday 28th March from 10am – 1pm to answer any questions you have on the proposed play area.
Please send or email any comments to [email protected] by Monday 30th March.