Take part in the Great Coastal Birdwatch

Eastleigh Borough Council is supporting this year’s ‘Great Coastal Birdwatch that is being held from 22 October to 30 October 2022 and provides the chance to mark the arrival of the migratory birds which spend the winter on the Solent.
By taking part you can increase your knowledge of the coastal birds in our area, help contribute valuable data and become more aware of the birds that come to the Solent to spend the winter.
How you can take part:
- Choose a spot around the Solent coast to do your watch.
- Spend up to one hour counting the number of birds that you see. Check out the Meet the birds pages for bird identification help and download our Great Coastal Birdwatch recording form to help you keep count.
- Follow the Coastal Code: look out for birds, move away if they become alert, keep dogs alongside you and follow requests on signs.
- Record how many birds you spot. So that you don’t count the same bird twice, we recommend you count the maximum you see of each species at any time.
A Council spokesperson said, “This is a great bit of 'Citizen Science' and we would encourage local people to get involved in monitoring and recording local sea birds to help Solent Bird Aware to get a better idea of the types and numbers of birds that visit our area in the winter.”
Find out more details and how to get involved
Photo: Oystercatchers on the shore