Southampton Airport update
Following Full Council’s resolution to grant planning permission on 10 April for the runway extension at Southampton International Airport, over the next month officers will be working with the applicant on the drafting of a detailed S106 Legal Agreement to secure strategies and mitigation as set out in the within the committee report. The planning permission will not be issued until the S106 Legal Agreement is completed.
The Planning Casework Unit (PCU) at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have advised that they have received several requests for the Secretary of State to consider call-in of this planning application. Officers within the PCU have asked the Council whether we would voluntary agree to not issue the Decision Notice until the Secretary of State has assessed the case and decided whether or not to call in the application for a public inquiry.
The completion of the S106 Legal Agreement will not be completed until the middle of May and as such the Council have agreed to this informal request.