Keep nominating your local heroes
Nominate people to be your local hero.
We're still looking for nominations to help us to celebrate individuals, groups and volunteer groups in the Borough of Eastleigh who have given their time to help others in their local community during the pandemic, if someone you know has been a 'Local Hero' during this time we want to hear about it.
Since launching our 'Local Heroes' campaign we have received over 60 nominations so far and we have loved hearing the wide variety of stories supporting the nominations but we still want to hear from you if you haven't submitted your story.
This year has been challenging for many people across the Borough as coronavirus has continued to have an impact on day to day life; it has also brought people together and has seen people go above and beyond to help others.
We want to hear any stories of kindness and creativity that they have experienced from others during the last few months so that the individuals, groups and voluntary organisations can be celebrated for their help and support during this challenging time.
If you know someone who you think deserves recognition for their efforts during this turbulent time, please visit our website to find out how you can submit your stories and details of the individuals/groups.