Grants of up to £5,000 available for waste prevention projects
Applications now open for funding from Hampshire County Council
Do you have an idea to help reduce waste in your community?
Hampshire County Council is offering grant funding of up to £5,000 to projects which will help reduce waste, encourage community cohesion and support the local economy. This could include:
- Food sharing schemes
- Community composting
- Repair cafes
- Initiatives to encourage reusable items (e.g. reusable nappy libraries)
- Rental and sharing schemes, for example baby equipment hire, toy libraries and ‘Libraries of things’
- Swapping events
- Second-hand school uniform services
- Refurbishment of electricals and electronic equipment donated from households to support those in need
The fund is open to applications from community groups, schools and colleges, charities and not-for-profits, faith groups and SMEs.
Previously the fund has supported 52 projects as varied as a toy library, cookery sessions, swap events and a 'click and collect' refill service.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 6th September 2021.
The funding will be released from October 2021. Full details of what is and is not funded, as well how to apply for funding are available from:
Any potential applicants must discuss their ideas with Hampshire's Waste Prevention Team before applying. Please contact them at [email protected] to arrange an informal discussion.