Flourish launch new pop-up in Eastleigh
Flourish opens new pop-up in the Swan Centre Eastleigh

On Monday morning Flourish opened its first pop-up in Eastleigh Borough, at the Swan Centre. Deputy Mayor Cynthia Garton, Councillor Derek Pretty and Eastleigh Cabinet Member for Social Policy,Tina Campbell attended the launch to mark the opening.
Representatives from the charity CRY came along for the opening along with the other charities that have booked a space through the company. The Swan Centre has embraced the work of Flourish and see it as a great way to bring new business to the Swan Centre whilst bringing the community together.
The idea of Flourish is to deliver space and support to businesses, event-makers, charities and community groups. With Flourish there are no long lease documents, no lawyers needed and no upfront deposits to drain cash.
Find out how Flourish can help to deliver space and help places and communities to grow.