Council urges residents to be a part of Plant Eastleigh

A recruitment drive for volunteers to help plant, establish and maintain trees in the Borough has been launched by the Council’s Green Spaces team.
Two new Senior Rangers for Community Trees, powered by Levelling Up to create improvements to local green spaces, are planning urban planting and maintenance events across the next two years. They aim to involve local communities in the sites and manage a new Plant Eastleigh volunteers group to support the planting scheme.
Residents have the choice to become a Plant Eastleigh Volunteer and attend events and support the Rangers or be a Tree Carer and help water the hundreds of trees being planted in urban areas.
Trees will be bought or provided by the Council-run tree nursery in Horton Heath. They will be a mixture of whips and standard (more established) young trees for the local community to help make thrive alongside Council staff.
Consultancy work has and is taking place to locate parcels of land to plant trees - and identify areas of land, owned by the Council that are appropriate for tree planting.
Plant Eastleigh is our drive for residents, businesses, and community organisations to plant 160,000 more trees in Eastleigh Borough by 2030. The project contributes to the England Trees Action Plan, which the Government has launched to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change.
The project is supported by the Levelling Up Fund to create and improve local green spaces, and the Urban Tree Challenge funding to support the planting and establishment of standard trees in urban and areas in England, by the Government.
The Council’s Cabinet Lead for Environment Cllr, Rupert Kyrle said “This will be a great project for residents to get involved, in a big or small way, to help the Borough become a leafier place by 2030. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and make a real difference locally and I can’t wait to visit the group in action”
To find out more and to become a volunteer or Tree Carer. visit