Review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations

Under the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, we are required to complete a review of polling districts and polling places every five years. However, this does not prevent changes being made at any time prior to the next review.

Final outcome of the Polling Review 2023

Following the publication of the Acting Returning Officer’s (ARO) recommendations on 18 October 2023 and comments received from interested persons from the start of the consultation, the following changes were approved at the Administration Committee of Eastleigh Borough Council on Tuesday 21 November 2023.

(1) The findings of the polling review were noted, and the committees' thanks to respondents be recorded;

(2) Botley polling district BO3 should become a standalone polling station and move to the new Community Building at Boorley Green;

(3) Combine BU1 and HS2 polling stations together to the Village Hall, St Johns Road as both are in the same Town Council ward following the changes to Hedge End Town Council.

(4) In Eastleigh North move the polling station for EN5 from the Cafe at Eastleigh House to St Peter’s Church.

(5) Transfer ES2 polling station to Emmanuel Church Hall to create a combined polling station with ES1.

(6) Change the polling place for ES4 to the new YMCA building at North Stoneham.

(7) To note that all other polling districts and places remain unchanged.

Full list of polling stations to be used from May 2024