Securing Planning Obligations

How are Planning Obligations secured and what are the options available to developers required to enter into them?

If your application is expected to require Planning Obligations, you will be advised during the pre-application process and/or by the case officer once the statutory consultation period on the formal application has expired (around 21 days after the planning application has been validated). 

You will then need to confirm you agree to the obligations being sought or discuss the obligations and projects with the case officer further. If agreed, you will need to confirm how you intend to deliver the obligations (whether through a Unilateral Undertaking, Section 106 Agreement or up-front payment). 

The following links provide further information on these options for providing Planning Obligations:

Planning Obligations must be secured before any planning permission is granted. The securing of Planning Obligations and developer contributions should not be a cause of delay and failure to do so may result in an application being refused.