Strategic Growth Option (SGO)

SGO001 SGO Background Paper - Comparative Assessment (October 2018)

SGO002 SGO Background Paper - Delivery (October 2018)

SGO003 SGO Public Transport Accessibility (June 2018) 

SGO004 SGO Landscape sensitivity(October 2018)

SGO005 Emerging Masterplan (May 2018)

SGO006 Emerging Masterplan Addendum to main report (October 2018)

SGO007a SGO Housing Trajectory (June 2018)

SGO007b SGO Housing Trajectory - Appendix 1(June 2018)

SGO007c SGO Housing Trajectory - Appendix 2 (June 2018)

SGO007d SGO Housing Trajectory - Appendix 3 (June 2018)

SGO007e SGO Housing Trajectory - Appendix 4 (June 2018)

SGO007f SGO Housing Trajectory - Appendix 5 (June 2018)

SGO008a North Bishopstoke and Allbrook Hill Link Road (2016) and Appendices B-E

SGO008b North Bishopstoke and Allbrook Hill Link Road (2016) Appendices F-L

SGO009 Itchen Hydrological Sensitivity Study (May 2018)

SGO010 Conceptual Surface Water Drainage Strategy (May 2018)

SGO011a Task 1 and 2 Technical Note (May 2018)

SGO011b Technical Note Appendix 1 (May 2018)

SGO011c Technical Note Appendix 2 (May 2018)

SGO011d Technical Note Appendix 3 (May 2018)

SGO011e Technical Note Appendix 4 (May 2018)

SGO012 Flood risk under the rail bridge

SGO013 Delivering a new community North of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (October 2018)

SGO014 WYG Noise Assessment (June 2018)

SGO015a WYG Landscape report with Appendices (October 2017)

SGO015b WYG Landscape reports - Supporting Plans (October 2017)

SGO015c WYG Landscape reports - Viewpoint Sheets (October 2017)

SGO016 Link Road Landscape Appraisal Mitigation Proposals (June 2018)

SGO017 WYG Archaeology and Heritage report (November 2017)

SGO018 WYG Minerals (November 2017)

SGO019 Land control plan (April 2018)

SGO020 WYG Environmental Report (August 2017)

SGO021 WYG Bat report (August 2017)

SGO022 Public Transport and Cycling Strategy for the SGO (Update doc 8) (June 2019)

SGO023 SGO Background Paper - Comparative Assessment Transport update including appendices (Update doc 9) (June 2019)

SGO024 Housing Programme update – Cabinet Report including appendices (Update doc 15) (June 2019)