Frequently asked questions

Your questions about a new Local Plan answered

  1. Why does the Borough need a Local Plan, and what does it mean for existing residents and local businesses? 
  2. Why is the Council planning for so much housing?
  3. Where could new development in the Borough go?
  4. What is meant by ‘large-scale development’ and what are the impacts and benefits? Would it be better to extend existing settlements so new residents can make use of existing services and facilities?
  5. What influence will the consultation responses from residents have on choices for the Eastleigh Local Plan?
  6. There is a lot of published information, how can I keep up to date on how the Local Plan is being prepared?
  7. I have heard that there are plans for a potential new Botley Bypass. Where can I find out more?
  8. Why is the Council not bringing forward Chickenhall Lane Link Road?
  9. What about the ancient woodland, will it be destroyed?
  10. Why aren’t you using Brownfield sites for housing?
  11. Surely more housing = more congestion?
  12. Why isn’t the missing junction 6 of the M27 being built to help relieve traffic congestion?
  13. Won’t a new road be impossible because of Allbrook Bridge? How will it cope with extra vehicles?
  14. How can we control development in the Borough? 
  15. How will Shaping your Community feedback be used in Master Planning?
  16. When will further evidence and technical studies be complete and published?
  17. Is there a summary of the Local Plan?
  18. What is the Planning Inspector looking for when considering comments?
  19. What is the Council's approach to development?
  20. Why is the new community north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak the Council's preferred option?
  21. What is a Masterplan and why has the process started?