Non payment of business rates

Information for late payment or failure to pay business rates

 Late payment or failure to pay the instalment(s) will result in recovery action being taken.

  • Further Notice: If an instalment is not received by the due date, a notice will be issued.  If the instalment(s) remains unpaid after 7 days, the remainder of the year's charge must be paid in full. Failure to pay the whole amount will result in the issue of a summons
  • Reminder Notice: If the instalment(s) on the Further Notice is not received by the due date you will lose the right to pay by instalments and a Reminder Notice for the remainder of the year's charge will be sent. Failure to pay the whole amount will result in the issue of a summons
  • Issue of a summons:  A summons will be issued for the balance outstanding for the remainder of the year plus costs.  If these amounts are not paid in full, the Council will apply to the Magistrates for a Liability Order

The Liability Order gives the Council the power to obtain payment of the outstanding debt and costs in several ways including:  

Bankruptcy/Liquidation: If your outstanding debt totals £5,000 or more, the Council may petition the court to make you bankrupt. This action will affect your ability to obtain credit and may result in the loss of your home. Insolvency service information

Removal of goods or property:  Your debt may be passed to the Council's Civil Enforcement Agents who are authorised to make a suitable payment arrangement with you or to seize goods or possessions up to the value of the amount owed and sell them to settle the debt.  This will incur additional costs as below:





£235 plus 7.5% of the debt amount which exceeds £1,500

Sale Stage

£110 plus 7.5% of the debt amount exceeding £1,500

The Council has authorised the following as Civil Enforcement Agents to take action to recover debts for Council Tax and non-domestic rates.  The contact details for the agents are:

Ross and Roberts:
Tel: 0870 1670707
Website: Ross & Roberts 

Goodwillie and Corcoran:
Tel: 02084 669111
Website: Goodwillie & Corcoran 

Marston (Holdings) Limited T/A Rossendales 
Tel: 01706 833023

They are also authorised to execute Warrants of Arrest in regards to action taken under Committal to Prison.

Action taken will result in additional costs being incurred. These are fixed costs for each stage of the enforcement process and have been set in legislation. For more detailed information on the action that will be taken by the Civil Enforcement agents.

The agencies are members of the Civil Enforcement Association, CIVEA , which is an independently funded association formed to represent all private certificated bailiffs in England and Wales.

  • Committal to Prison: For sole traders or unlimited partnerships, as a last resort and after all other recovery options have been tried and full payment of the outstanding arrears has not been paid, the Council will apply to the Court for the debtor to be sent to prison for a period of up to 90 days.  This action will result in substantial costs being added to your outstanding charge

Please contact us immediately for advice and to discuss an alternative arrangement if you are unable to pay an amount that is due, or you are experiencing financial difficulties.